8:00 AM - 9:00 AM Dress Up Day - Love and Kindness - Dress in Red, White, Pink or Hearts
Click on the Clever title above to go to the Winthrop Public School's Clever sign in page. To login without your Clever badge, use your 4 or 5 digit student number for your username and your birthday for your password: M/D/YYYY
Want to know how easy it is to earn $4.40 in Box Tops? Just buy 4 qualifying purchases at Target (like 4 Annie Mac n Cheese boxes) and scan the receipt! Don’t forget the referral code if it is your first time using the app. K8VM7KJN!
If your student is going to be absent please call 617-846-5543 extension 1.. Thank you...... Si su estudiante va a estar ausente, llame al 617-846-5543 extensión 1. Gracias.........Se seu aluno estiver ausente, ligue para 617-846-5543 extensão 1. Obrigado.... إذا كان الطالب سيتغيب ، يرجى الاتصال بالرقم 5543-846-617 الرقم الداخلي 1 .. شكرًا لك
The USDA extended a waiver that allows schools to serve free breakfast and lunch to ALL students, through 12/31/20. Click on the heading above for details and menus.
This website has been created to assist our families’ ability to support their student's math learning at home. / Este sitio web ha sido creado para ayudar a nuestras familias a apoyar el aprendizaje de matemáticas de sus estudiantes en casa.
Click on the heading above to go to our school's digital library. Students should sign in with their school Google Username and password. Go to the Family Information tab above for more details.
Learn more about the Winthrop Parent Network. The primary purpose of this program is to promote early literacy, parenting education, developmental screenings and resource and referrals for families with children birth to age 8.
Click on the heading above to see more information about our board members, Facebook page and special events. / Haga clic en el encabezado de arriba para ver más información sobre los miembros de nuestra junta, la página de Facebook y los eventos especiales. / Clique no título acima para ver mais informações sobre os membros do nosso conselho, página do Facebook e eventos especiais. / انقر فوق العنوان أعلاه للاطلاع على مزيد من المعلومات حول أعضاء مجلس الإدارة وصفحة Facebook والمناسبات الخاصة.
Severe weather days may necessitate adjustments in the calendar resulting in delayed opening, cancelation or early dismissal. Please click on the Inclement Weather heading above to review the information so that you understand the various changes that we may take on days in which the weather is inclement.
Raising kids in this digital age can be exciting yet scary. Here are some tips on how to help our children stay safe and use the internet wisely.
Please click the heading above for information regarding WPS A.L.I.C.E. training.
The Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks provide teachers, students and families with clear and shared expectations for what all students should know and be able to do at the end of each year.
p: 617-846-5543