Welcome to the William Gorman Fort Banks ELL Department!
Siobhan Carey Carla Fitzpatrick Meredith Condon
scarey@winthrop.k12.ma.us cfitzpatrick@winthrop.k12.ma.us mcondon@winthrop.k12.ma.us
Hello GFB ELL families:
The resources listed below are not intended to replicate your child’s school day or learning experiences. They are, however, useful to support learning, promote academic engagement, and assist in skills maintenance during the disruption to school-based learning. With that in mind, please consider exploring any or perhaps all of the resources listed. Please be reminded, all students should be on Lexia at least 3 times each week and for a minimum of 20 minutes.
Online Resources for Students to Use at Home
- LexiaCore5 https://www.lexiacore5.com
- Starfall: https://www.starfall.com/ (best for K-1) Reading games and practice
- ABC Phonics: http://www.abcfastphonics.com/ Phonics practice and instruction
- Reading is Fundamental: https://www.rif.org/literacy-central/search?query=&field_themes=All&field_supported_grades=All&type=All (Summaries of books that are leveled by grade and their support materials
- http://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/en/ great stories, songs, and other resources to practice your English
- Storyline Online: https://www.storylineonline.net/ Listen to great stories being read aloud by famous actors
- Childhood Language site in French, Spanish, and German: http://www.literacycenter.net/
ELL Tools (for ELLs of all ages)
- Ultimate Guide to Free Reading and Literacy Resources: https://www.titlemax.com/articles/ultimate-guide-to-free-reading-and-literacy-resources/
- Dave’s ESL Café: http://eslcafe.com/ (Many resources for students, teachers, and parents)
- Online Dictionary: https://www.merriam-webster.com/
- Picture Dictionary: pdictionary.com
- English Vocabulary Practice: https://www.learnenglish.de/vocabpage.html
- A Bilingual Website for Families: http://www.colorincolorado.org
- A great resource for ELLs: http://www.manythings.org/
- Practice your English online: https://eslgold.com/
- Grammar Practice: https://www.english-grammar-revolution.com/word-lists.html
How Can I Help My Child Improve His/Her English?
- Read stories to your child. If you are not comfortable reading to them in English, you can read them stories in your native language. Also, you could get books on tape or CDs from the local library to play for them.
- Go to a storytelling hour at the Winthrop Public Library.
- Be positive about speaking in English.
- Sing songs or say rhymes in English.
- Encourage your child to participate in extracurricular activities.
- Stay connected with your child’s teacher.
Spend time with Mo Willems (author of Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus!! and the Piggy and Elephant books)
Learn how to draw like Mo Willems and even see what his studio looks like! They even contain activities that you can do at home!!
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Family Guide to Reading at Home with your Children in both Spanish and English
(source: ColorinColorado.com)
Pen Pal writing Practice: Do you have a friend that you could write emails to? It would be great practice if you could write an email and tell your friend about your day. What did you do? Have you read any new books? What did you do outside? Did you play any new games? Did you try any new crafts today? Did you learn something new? Write your friend an email and tell them all about it. After writing your email, check:
- Did you start your sentences with uppercase letters?
- Did you put spaces in between your words?
- Did you use appropriate punctuation?
- Did you use your best handwriting?
- Did you use a dictionary to help you with spelling?
- Did you read what you wrote to see if it made sense?